Own a business in PA, NY or NJ? PAJunkAutos.com Helps Businesses too!
If your business is located in Wilkes-Barre, Scranton, Stroudsburg, Bushkill, Allentown, Hazelton, Honesdale, Easton, Reading, Saylorsburg or another city along I-80, 476,84 or 81, in New York or New Jersey, PAJunkAutos.com is here to help.
For over 20 years, we have been servicing residents, but we can help businesses as well. PAJunkAutos.com can assist with larger trucks, tractors, box trucks and light & heavy-duty trucks that are now junk or scrap.
If that old truck is taking up too much room in your business lot, PAJunkAutos.com is here to help. With guaranteed HIGHEST cash payouts, PAJunkAutos.com offers one of the best ways to sell your junk or scrap car.
As a business owner, old, broken down vehicles, shouldn’t burden you, you need to focus on having your business perform at its peak.
You take care of the new and we’ll take care of the old. If you have a larger truck, tractor, or other type of vehicle that has seen better days, give PAJunkAutos.com a call today!